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 Speak Now Package


Speak Now Package: Excellent, Authentic, Compelling Speaker’s Bureau EACS Certification

  • Explores your awareness as a speaker, of yourself, and your audience

  • Identifies the different types presentations

  • Takes you through the process of how to put your presentation together

  • Guides you through the dynamics of your delivery

  • Explores your challenges in becoming an excellent, authentic, compelling speaker- all with a strong awareness of the multicultural influence of self, gender, audience, and environment

Speak Now Certification Package for $2750
(Scholarships Available)
June 2024 @ 8:30am - 4pm @ St. Louis,Mo
“Speak Now” is a program crafted by  author, business coach and strategy consultant, Julius Adewunmi.  It accommodates the needs of those that wish to aspire to their speaking and presentation excellence. 
Training presentation skills can contribute to various professional and leadership qualifications by enhancing a range of skills that are crucial in the workplace. 
Here are some qualifications that presentation skills training can provide: 
Effective Communication Skills

Presentation skills help individuals communicate ideas clearly and persuasively, a fundamental skill for leaders and professionals in any field.

Adaptability and Flexibility

The ability to adapt presentations to diverse audiences and situations demonstrates adaptability, a quality highly valued in leaders facing various challenges.

Stakeholder Management

Leaders regularly interact with various stakeholders. Presentation skills help in conveying messages effectively to different audiences, including clients, team members, and executives.

Leadership Presence

Learning to present with confidence and authority contributes to leadership presence, a key quality for individuals in leadership positions.

Strategic Thinking

Crafting and delivering a presentation often involve strategic thinking, as presenters need to align their message with organizational goals and the needs of their audience.

Professional Branding

A well-delivered presentation contributes to the development of a professional brand. Leaders who can articulate ideas effectively enhance their personal and professional brand.

Influence and Persuasion

Presentation skills training equips individuals with the ability to influence and persuade others through compelling communication, an essential leadership skill.

Confidence and Self-Assurance

Overcoming stage fright and presenting confidently builds self-assurance, a quality that leaders need when making decisions and guiding teams.

Negotiation Skills

Presentation skills, particularly in sales or business negotiations, can significantly impact the outcome. Leaders who can present their case convincingly often have an advantage in negotiations. 

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Speak Now Package

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